Teaching the time

“What time is it Mum?”

This is a common question that most mums (and/or dads) need to answer around 100 times a day! So where do you start?

We started with a Grow Clock for younger children, this clock is a helpful tool to assist with going to bed and getting up. The principle being that you set an alarm time to rise in the morning. For example, 7am, when your child goes to bed you turn the alarm on and the clock face becomes a star, then when the clock turns into a yellow sun it’s time to get up. We found this visual time telling tool especially useful in the summer when the mornings are lighter. The clock also has an afternoon alarm setting if your child has an afternoon nap.

Recently, Dave and Tilly started showing an interest in learning to tell the time. My experience of learning the time was not the best, I could not grasp the concept and for this reason I was dreading the task of teaching time. I feel that through my experiences, I have been able to understand what they may find difficult. I spent a long time researching different teaching resources on Amazon and bought write and wipe demonstration clocks, similar to the ones in the link below. I also bought both children an alarm clock for their bedrooms.

When my 6-year-old woke me an hour earlier this morning I thought it was time to learn to tell the time. The wipe on and wipe off clocks have a red hand, which is the hour hand and a blue hand which is the minute hand. We started with finding o’clock 1-12. Moving on to quarter past, half past then quarter to. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly both Dave and Tilly grasped this concept. Then we found 15, 30- and 45-minutes past. Finally, we moved onto minutes in-between i.e. 35,36,37 minutes past. The lesson was a success, and taking a lead from the children, I decided to leave teaching to the hour for another day, as that’s a whole different concept.
